Monday, November 21, 2011

Tracking DNS Record Deletion

Monday, June 1, 2009

Recovered Deleted items in Ubuntu

Accidentally use this command in Linux Ubuntu
"rm -f filename.log" instead of "mv -f filename.log"

First I tried Foremost and Scalpel

no luck !

I tried this

apt-get install testdisk

photorec /deb/sdb /logs

PhotoRec 6.8, Data Recovery Utility, August 2007 Christophe GRENIER

Disk /dev/sdb - 32 GB / 29 GiB (RO) Partition Start End Size in sectors P ext3 0 0 1 3915 254 63 62910540 709 files saved in /logs/recup_dir directory.
txt: 588 recovered gz: 74 recovered tx?: 47 recovered

SYSKLOGD for Netscreen Firewall

Installing syslog for our NEtscreen firewall.

apt-get install sysklogd

configure sysklog.conf

#Save boot messages also to boot.log
local7.* /logs/boot.log

local0.* /logs/netscreen.log

Here is the final script :

#! /bin/bash

mv /logs/netscreen.log /logs/`date --date="1 day ago" +%Y-%m-%d`.log

gzip /logs/`date --date="1 day ago" +%Y-%m-%d`.log

touch /logs/netscreen.log

/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart

And here is the cronjob:
cronjob -e
run @ 12:01 midnight everyday
# m h dom mon dow command

1 0 * * * /bin/bash /logs/
root@vm-ubuntu64srv:/logs# dpkg -s sysklogd |grep Version
Version: 1.5-1ubuntu1

Added the -r option to /etc/init.d/sysklogd (SYSLOGD="-r -u syslog"). This didn't work and I found out that there are another file (thanks to Jon for pointing that out!) /etc/default/syslogd that probably overrides the settings from the /etc/init.d/sysklogd. I don't know why, but it worked when I put the -r there as well.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

IRRI Internet vey slow for 3 days- Solved !

We don't know the reason or the cause of slowness of our Internet . It may be a virus Conflicter or some thing new. We have 3 ISP ( PLDT Igate, Unet and Internet2 Preginet)
( 10mbps, 2 mbps and 155 mbps). We isolate the problem using the command "PING -t" inside and outside the firewall netscreen.
We turn off one by one our Network infrastructure except our main Cisco router 7200. still problem persist. Again our team isolate the problem by connecting a new Gigabit switch , a core router and a laptop. pinging still get some RTO but inside the Router its clean and no RTO. We issue the command " SH int summary" and get some anonymous IQD packet loss and other packet loss. So we decided to restart our Core CIsco router 7200 by this command " RELOAD" and we cross our finger and monitor the ping in our Laptop . It take a while to TURN on automatically the core Router. I think 2 times it self turn off and some POS and GIgEth interface to lights ON.
After a while the Router is totally On or idle. We check again the command "Sh int summary" and notice no packet loss its clean all interface is Zero 0 0 0 .
and our ping monitor in laptop are now Ok no RTO .

Now our commodity internet is quite faster now. I recvd an average 226ms in pinging in my desktop machine.

Our Network are still under observation ...

OOOppss.. wait .. our Internet2 Route are not properly Routed.. we need to check our BGP configuration.????

Friday, September 12, 2008

Installing Aventail Connect Tunnel Agent into Linux

  1. Create a folder in the target client computer where you would place the downloaded Aventail Connect Tunnel Agent for Linux.

  2. Go to the folder. Download and untar the attached tar file using the following command.

    I found the file required here We may want to stick this on one of our own sites...

  3. tar -xf AventailConnect-Linux.tar

    You should see the following files extracted:


  4. Install the agent with the following command:

  5. sudo /bin/bash

    You should see the following message in your screen:

    Installing Aventail Connect
    Looking for tun driver... tun is present and correct.
    Unpacking archive AventailConnect-Linux-8.80.146.tar.bz2...
    Setting up permissions...
    Using certificates in /etc/ssl/certs
    Done installing Aventail Connect.

    Use 'startct' to start Aventail Connect
    Use 'startctui' to run the Aventail Connect graphical interface (requires java)
    Use 'stopct' to stop Aventail Connect

    I had to run 'sudo /bin/bash startct' to start the connection. Works like a charm

  6. You should now be able to connect to the IRRIAD network using Aventail.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Outlook 2007 finally connects to Exchange 2003 with RPC over HTTPS proxy on Vista.

There is this application called "Windows Easy Transfer" that comes along
with Vista. Its in "All Programs" | "Accessories" | "System Tools" menu.
Among other things, it claims to be able to transfer email settings too. You
might want to give it a try.

Please try the following steps on the Vista client:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
  2. Locate and then click the following subkey:
  3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
  4. Type DefConnectOpts, and then press ENTER.
  5. Right-click DefConnectOpts, and then click Modify.
  6. In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.
  7. Exit Registry Editor.
  8. Please restart the client machine, re-configure the Outlook profile, and try again log on via RPC over HTTP

Again, my Vista setups did not have the RPC key on the computer. So, I created the key, created the value and rebooted the computer. Deleted the old outlook profile, created a new one and tested. This time it worked.